Friday, December 10, 2010

Found: More Ideas Than You Can Shake a Stick At

morning light

Ideas are something I rarely run out of, but there is always the chance, which is why I write down random challenges for myself just in case. This is a way I can show up in dry moments. I sometimes also just try to grit it out and finish things I have started to try to get some momentum.
How about you? What do you do when you are out of inspiration?

  1. Be inspired by a flower.
  2. Make something “childish” for an adult.
  3. Update an idea from an old magazine.
  4. Focus on texture.
  5. Reference a trend.
  6. Make a vessel.
  7. Let art or architecture inspire you.
  8. Focus on a silhouette.
  9. Use a blogger’s diy instructions and make it your own.
  10. Learn to like a color you hate.
  11. Reference music or literature.
  12. Bead it.
  13. Design album cover art for a band.
  14. Hail a hero.
  15. Try plaid.
  16. Knit it.
  17. Let an instrument inspire you.
  18. Make something for someone famous.
  19. Make something red.
  20. Copy something from the runway your own way.
  21. Embroider it.
  22. Consult someone who inspires you.
  23. Use applique.
  24. Design something practical based on album cover art.
  25. Give it too much of something!
  26. What would (insert cartoon character’s name here) do?
  27. Use a national flag (respectfully).
  28. Embroider doodles or a pattern.
  29. Use a photo as inspiration.
  30. Use the reverse side.
  31. Transform something ugly.
  32. Mix and match your favorite (fill in the blank) from the past with your current favorite (fill in the blank).
  33. Incorporate words.
  34. Incorporate bones.
  35. Incorporate origami.
  36. Incorporate wire.
  37. Make it mosaic-style.
  38. Create something for the garden.
  39. Transform a light fixture.
  40. Make a self-portrait.
  41. Consult an old scout manual.
  42. Finish a quilt your own way.
  43. Cut into something nice– make it count!
  44. Make an exotic article of clothing your own.
  45. Use couture techniques on a humble item.
  46. Challenge yourself in time, materials, budget, or technique.
  47. Draw on it.
  48. Use a cut-out technique of some sort.
  49. Make it for free.
  50. Make something costumey/dramatic for every day.
  51. Take something that isn’t your style and transform it.
  52. Reference a sport.
  53. Alter your fabric.
  54. Illustrate a poem.
  55. Make something to sit on.
  56. Use pleats.
  57. Give it a great pocket.
  58. Use your favorite children’s book as a starting place.
  59. Set a time limit.
  60. Make something holiday inspired.
  61. Use a special surprising detail.
  62. Finish an old project: figure out why you lost interest and change it!
  63. Choose a Harris Burdick illustration that inspires you.
  64. Make a calendar for next year.
  65. Make neon tasteful.
  66. Try papier mache.
  67. Scrunch and pin a piece of fabric to an interesting shape. Make a sketch and item based on it.
  68. Capture the essence of a loved-one.
  69. Make a Rorshacht ink blot and incorporate it into your next project.
  70. Choose a geometric shape and make something with only that shape.
  71. Make something in your pet’s style– but for a human.
  72. Make something tiny.
  73. Make something oversized.
  74. Research another culture’s toys.
  75. Mix things that don’t go together and make them irresistible!
  76. Choose a secret destination and have a friend choose a profession. Make something your character will need to take with them.
  77. Use the random Google or Wiki button to find an idea.
  78. Start that involved project you’ve been mulling over.
  79. Make something for a baby.
  80. Make something for charity.
  81. Use paper.
  82. Make something that is essential to the next season.
  83. Choose a major life-event to make something for (coming of age, golden anniversary, wedding, empty nest, etc.).
  84. Create something for a Youtube star.
  85. Refinish it.
  86. Learn a new technique.
  87. Use piecing.
  88. Reference a hobby.
  89. Decorate a rock.
  90. Copy someone’s technique on your own favorite subject.
  91. Use an interesting detail for your own unique application.
  92. Make a mobile.
  93. Do something that makes your heart sing!
  94. Use geometrics.
  95. Be inspired by a letter.
  96. Make something for your favorite movie character.
  97. Commemorate someone special who has passed away.
  98. Dance today, work tomorrow.
  99. Make neckwear.
  100. Design a visual pattern and use it on something.
  101. Crack a visual joke.
  102. Try out someone else’s design philosophy.
  103. Make a favorite childhood craft.
  104. Try a new color combination.
  105. Capture the essence of a favorite song.
  106. Build a better mousetrap, or whatever it is that’s making you crazy!
  107. Make a hat.
  108. Add a zipper. Be clever.
  109. Try reverse applique.
  110. Make an unlikely time-capsule.
  111. Use lace.
  112. Pick something from Threads (or another) Magazine and try it.
  113. Trade abandoned projects with a friend and finish with freedom!
  114. Use a found object.
  115. Get inspired by a kitchen implement.
  116. Adapt something from another time period.
  117. Throw out a project you hate. Yeah. Doesn’t that feel good?

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