Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Virtual Home Tour: Kitchen

by the sink

When we first moved in the kitchen was all primary colors. The yellow tile counters were bad enough, but the red and white cabinetry and gingham curtains left me listening for the preschool invasion. Now it is a place I love to be.

kitchen layout

Unfortunately it is a very dim room and difficult to photograph the actual color of the cabinets. I painted them a dark glossy chocolate with verdigris doors. I never intended the yellow to stay, but it could be worse. We salvaged sticks for the door handles to bring the outside in a little. A free project, but time consuming. You will always pay a high price for well-crafted things in money or time. Your choice.

checked tile- so classic!

The tile was in place when we came. I am glad to have had these checked floors and white porcelain kitchen sink in one house. The upkeep will keep me from overwhelming desire of them in future houses.

baking tins lend a homey feel

I added copper toned tins by the window for a warm homey feel. My favorite is the fish. I use animal objects whenever I find them. Somehow they always seem so personal!

pin striped kitchen door

I left one red thing: The pinstripes on the antique door. Those I love.

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