Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Embroidery for Preschoolers

preschool embroidery

"All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." –Pablo Picasso

Case in point: Consider Thacia's first stab at embroidery. Her sense of color is startlingly on-trend, the strokes are balanced in both color and rhythm. There is stability and gentle movement in the lines that keep the eye engaged. As she works she is focused yet relaxed: The French would say "sage." She enjoys the process. This is the gold standard for adult work, and absolutely effortless for a two year old. As far as she is concerned she is playing hide-and-seek as she pushes her giant needle through the muslin. She asks "Where did it go?" She flips the work "Oh there it is! I found it!"
So much contentment in muslin, embroidery hoop, needle, and yarn.      

preschool embroidery

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