Monday, September 30, 2013

A Fear of Falling

walk in the woods
The icy fear that grips my gut when I think about the change in weather is way colder than the actual outdoor temps, and a bit embarrassing. 
What's not to love about changing colors, pumpkin flavored baked goods, soup, hayrides, and the rest of it? Well, nothing, really. What I can't stand is that winter follows autumn, and I am not the least bit excited about winter. This winter has just got to be better than the last one because we were in that itty bitty miserable apartment, but still the unreasonable phobia unease persists.

To associate the fall with more positive things we are making an effort to take outings and appreciate the changes instead of dreading them. First on our list, an early fall family camping trip! In the spirit of 2013 all the pics were taken with my iPhone 5 instead of hauling the DSLR up a big hill with a toddler on my back. Wonder of wonders it worked! 
Hope you had a great weekend as well!
What are your favorite fall activities?

light filtering through leaves

yellow leaf

roadside flowers

yellow mushrooms

trees fall


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