Behold, the letter R. For the first time since I started this series, I finished a letter sketch and threw it away with nothing salvageable about it. I don't like this one much better, but I am working through the sketcher's block. Sometimes that is more important than having something I am thrilled with. Does that happen to anyone else? Sometimes I get thrown off my game, and everything I do feels cock-eyed for a while. For me it's most important to keep moving through it.
How about you? How do you deal with creative frustration? With failure? Personally I keep going, but dragging my feet. It takes time or a change of projects to get fired up again. I try not to just ditch my problem projects though, because it is important to learn from them. Sometimes it feels like failure is catching, and everything I am working on becomes unmanageable. Of course, the common denominator is me, so it requires a good hard look!
Click to download and print in Naturals Palette "Spring."
Click to download and print in Black and White.
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